
Bathroom Cabinet Daily Maintenance Tips


1. When you need to move the bathroom cabinet, remember […]

1. When you need to move the bathroom cabinet, remember to handle it gently and treat it gently.
2. When cleaning the bathroom cabinet, remember to scrub with a soft cloth. The detergent should be diluted before use!
3. Please do not put the bathroom cabinet in a place where the sun can directly shine in, because it does not have sunscreen. Of course, it can't be placed in a particularly dry place, otherwise it will crack.
4. When there are water stains, remember to cover the marks with a damp cloth, and then carefully press the wet cloth with an iron several times, and the marks will disappear.
5. Maintenance of bathroom countertops: When in use, do not be scratched by sharp and hard objects, and the colored countertops should be cleaned with a neutral detergent.
6. Lens maintenance: When the lens of the bathroom cabinet has water stains, clean it with a soft cloth and neutral detergent.